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The Timbre Toolbox: Extracting audio descriptors from musical signals

  • 【作       者】 Stephen McAdams Nicolas Misdariis Bruno L. Giordano Geoffroy Peeters Patrick Susini
  • 【作者单位】 Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique , 1 place Igor-Stravinsky, F-75004 Paris, France. STMS-IRCAM-CNRS
  • 【出       处】Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
  • 【年       份】2011
  • 【卷       号】Vol.130 No.5
  • 【页       码】2902-2916
  • 【   ISSN   】1520-8524
  • 【  关键词  】 acoustic signal processing audio signal processing data analysis electronic music feature extraction Fourier transforms harmonic generation hearing information retrieval systems learning musical acoustics musical instruments pattern clustering
  • 【摘       要】 The analysis of musical signals to extract audio descriptors that can potentially characterize their timbre has been disparate and often too focused on a particular small set of sounds. The Timbre Toolbox provides a comprehensive set of descriptors t...
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  • 【   DOI   】10.1121/1.3642604
  • 【文献类型】 期刊
  • 【 JCR分区 】 ACOUSTICS:Q3