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The Future of Data-Enriched Assessment

  • 【作       者】 Piech, Christopher Kizilcec, René F. Greene, Daniel K. Thille, Candace Halawa, Sherif A. Schneider, Emily
  • 【出       处】Research & Practice in Assessment
  • 【年       份】2014
  • 【卷       号】Vol.9
  • 【页       码】5-16
  • 【  关键词  】 Data Online Courses Electronic Learning Case Studies Educational Environment Intelligent Tutoring Systems Open Education Interaction Evaluation Testing Data Collection Information Utilization Inferences Higher Education Educational Practices Regression Surveys
  • 【  分类号  】370.72
  • 【摘       要】 The article addresses the question of how the assessment process with large-scale data derived from online learning environments will be different from the assessment process without it. Following an explanation of big data and how it is different fr...
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  • 【文献类型】 期刊