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An Example of Competence-Based Learning: Use of Maxima in Linear Algebra for Engineers

  • 【作       者】 de la Villa, Agustin Diaz, Ana Garcia, Alfonsa
  • 【出       处】International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education
  • 【年       份】2011
  • 【卷       号】Vol.18 No.4
  • 【页       码】177-182
  • 【   ISSN   】1744-2710
  • 【  关键词  】 Electronic Learning Technical Writing Open Universities Information Management Electronic Equipment Critical Thinking Algebra Distance Education Problem Solving Foreign Countries Undergraduate Students Engineering Computer Software Computer Uses in Education Learning Higher Education Mathematics Education
  • 【摘       要】 This paper analyses the role of Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) in a model of learning based on competences. The proposal is an e-learning model Linear Algebra course for Engineering, which includes the use of a CAS (Maxima) and focuses on problem sol...
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  • 【文献类型】 期刊